23 August 2011

I felt the earth move under my feet...

An earthquake with its epicenter near Richmond Virginia measuring 5.8 on the richter scale rumbled up the east coast this afternoon. Buildings in Manhattan were evacuated and the tunnels were closed for a bit. Wasn't quite sure what I was feeling until it was over. Wow!

Thankfully there is little damage and it appears that everyone in this area is ok. Here's to a quiet and uneventful evening.


Monkey Man said...

And people say the west coast should watch out for our "ring of fire" to implode and take us out to sea.

Brian Miller said...

crazy huh...i am about 75 miles from the epicenter..was a wild ride...

Teri said...

I heard about this on NPR this afternoon. Quite the event, I'd say. The east coast doesn't have these much although I do remember hearing of one on the east coast that really did lots of damage years ago. Maybe it is just that people are not prepared as much. I'm glad that there wasn't lots of damage or people being injured. The earth sure seems to be changing, doesn't it?

Yvonne Osborne said...

I heard about that. They felt it in Columbus, Ohio, which makes sense as they're on a more direct path with Virginia. Nothing up here in Michigan. I've felt a tremor before when we lived in Ohio. It was the strangest feeling....very eerie.


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