23 February 2010

Magpie Tales-Rendezvous

Magpie  Tales 2
Vienna was where they met. A warm bar on a cold, rainy night caught them by surprise and drew them to a place neither one expected. Two weeks later, an hour away she blew out the match, waiting, her cigarette glowing and eyes on the door, hating herself for wanting and waiting for him.

Each Tuesday you too can add a chapter to the Magpie's Tales--stop by here!


Lorenzo — Alchemist's Pillow said...

Nice. I like that minimalist take on the two weeks in between.

Pete Goulding said...

Says so much in so few words! Nice one!

rel said...

OMG, 3 sentences and what a story they tell. Reminds me of the Hemmingway 6 word story.
Very nice indeed!

Brian Miller said...

wonderfully done...in and out with just enough to get our brains turning...

Jan of Thousand Acres said...

Sumptuous, evocative - I love it, so concise, yet large with intrigue.

Alan Burnett said...

Never was so much said in so few words.

Tess Kincaid said...

Spare and elegant. Love it. LOVE it!!

Vicki Lane said...

Nicely concise!

Monkey Man said...

Love it when I am left begging for more. I haven't visited Magpie Tales yet, but I will put it on my list of places to go.

JeffScape said...

Raw is good.

The Muse said...


without fanfare...the image is told in words of natural application.

Berowne said...

Not many stories tell so much in so few words...

The Muse said...

hating herself for wanting and waiting for him.

ooo la la....that is an ignition!

steviewren said...

A romance to hot to forget...so she waits wanting more. Nice.

Reya Mellicker said...

This is definitely a suspenseful plotline. What will happen next??

Anonymous said...

Precise, concise and to the point but very poignant. Great job.

Chris said...

You said it all in so few words.



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