01 March 2010

Magpie Tales-A Mother's Love

"I just want to make her legacy live on and make it live through me." Johannie Rochette

tonight is yours
the world awaits
my work done
I am here
and fly
know cheri
the kiss
sent skyward
on my cheek
like a star
my pride
and joy
lifting you
I feel
the weight slip
from your shoulders
to your hands
a bronze medal
resting there
as you smile
a ribbon
my heart
to yours
well done

This is week 3 of a wonderful blog designed to get writers writing and keep the muse alive!
For more information about Magpie Tales fly here!
Thank you Willow!


Brian Miller said...

a river of emotion runs through...wonderful.

Catalyst said...

Beautiful and a touching story from Vancouver.

The Muse said...

and one that evokes a sense of pride and camaraderie!


Suz said...

Beautiful words
and emotions

Jan of Thousand Acres said...

Sweetly nostalgic, poignant; love lives on in our hearts forever. It was a touching moment when she blew a kiss toward heaven... you pulled at my heart strings with this one - 'well done' !!

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hers was a great story. I loved the Olympics, miss them already.
This....a ribbon
my heart
to yours....is grand.

I see you've given me something else to explore...Maypie Tales.

Barry said...

Beautifully written and very touching.

Actually very beatifically written.

Tess Kincaid said...

I thought of my own daughter when I read this. Tears welled up. Beautiful.

amy said...

What flowing sentiment ~ very well done!

JeffScape said...

Wait... are you the mother of an Olympian? Or is this merely inspired?

I am curious! Merlot time!

Vicki Lane said...

The kiss sparkling on your cheek -- lovely!

Lyn said...

You really tapped into the truth.. a love never lost..courage and faith overcame the profound saddness...Everything the mother wanted!

Leah said...

I especially love "the kiss/sent skyward/sparkles/on my cheek/like a star"

Beautiful use of short lines.

joanna said...

An uplifting poem capturing a perfect moment in time-- very beautiful..


joanna said...

Powerful! A very visceral thought provoking poem.... love it.

After I read Vicki Lane's comment -- does remind me of some themes of Bob Dylan's earlier songs.


Pete Goulding said...

Nicely written and topical too!

C.M. Jackson said...

jeff--try as he might Max the Mighty Lab (aka the oldest puppy in the world) was not able to master the triple axel or lutz so he did not make the team.... so no I am not a mother of an olympian just channeling and using those multiple personalities so well.

C.M. Jackson said...

yvonne--thanks --hope to see one of your Magpie Tales soon!

christine said...

A lovely poem I loved that ribbon connecting their hearts.


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