21 July 2010

Theme Thursday-Park

New Jersey has been experiencing searing heat for the last two weeks and it is starting to make me just a little crazy. Never good, because I have an ample amount of crazy already, the humidity and the too early dog days (sorry Max) of summer make me want to hibernate like I do in the winter parked in front of the tv watching a movie or slouched in chair reading a book. My rule is the couch potato 'thang' is only allowed during the winter months. After March, it is written, I must move. Given this heat, moving means sweat---I know, girls do not sweat, they perspire or mist----hello, I sweat and therefore, wish to park myself in front of a large air conditioner and herein, right now, lies the problem. It is hot, humid and just plain not conducive to my rule. That's life, sometimes rough when you want it easy. No worries, there's always a song to get you through.

That video was done is 2008. I will never have Tina's legs, but I aspire to her energy and doo doo doo doo! Don't be afraid to sweat. Put on the hiking boots and go find a park here or here or here.

It's Theme Thursday and there is a place to park here.

16 July 2010

Flash 55-High Noon

Hey cowboy
We knew you when
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Were your friends
We held your hand
When you were alone
No one could understand
Told you could fly
We are your home
It wasn’t a lie
Now you are far away
And it hurts
You have a choice
Lose the spurs
Use your voice

Flash! It is Friday. If you can tell a story in 55 words, you need to go tell it to the g-man.

15 July 2010

Theme Thursday-Help!!!

Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.

Henry Ford

If there is a place in this country that epitomizes character and the ability to move forward against all odds, it is New Orleans and the Gulf region. The gulf oil spill is not only an environmental disaster unlike any that we have experienced but also is an event which threatens a way of life for the people who live and work in the area.

As BP works to stop the oil flowing into the Gulf, the companies who were working to find oil safely (if there is a safe way) are leaving the region and a moratorium has been placed on future drilling. So those jobs along with fishing are in danger of being lost for good.

The Gulf Oil spill is a wake up call to all of us to recognize the limits of our fragile environment, question our reliance on oil and find a way to "do the right damn thing."

Let's move forward and start thinking how we all can help.

Today is Thursday and the theme is help. For more thoughts on the subject, take a look here.

12 July 2010

Magpie Tales-Sweet Jersey Waltz

Seedlings reach up
to the sky
down into the soil
all the while
the bees buzz
the peepers peep
the sun shines
the crickets chirp
rain showers
flirt and flood
until the sun's heat
glorious globes
green and yellow
finally red
calling out for
ripe with sun
till the crisp air
of autumn
ends the music.

C.M. Jackson 2010
For more Magpie Tales go here...Thanks to Willow for another wonderful prompt!

08 July 2010

Theme Thursday-Ball

Arnaldo Pomodoro's sculpture "Sphere within a Sphere" is located in the Vatican City in Rome. I first saw it in '99 when the city of Rome was getting ready for 2000. Rome was sparkling--no graffiti or soot. I was mesmerized then and took many shots, all film. I am disappointed that I can't show my view in '99 next to my view in 2007 when Mr. Jackson and I visited on our honeymoon.

For me this particular shot reflects the heavens above and  the 'skyline' of ancient Rome separated by what looks like technology or progress. Today, I can't help but think about the Gulf oil spill and the wars that continue.

Today is Theme Thursday. Drop by here.

05 July 2010

Magpie Tales-The Muse vs. the Fuse

                                                               You should know that my fuse is long
I can understand the yelling
I can hunt for the answers
I can tolerate the bad luck
But give me excuses
Or try to tell me there are no words
That's when I start to burn
Just when you thought I'm lost
Snap, crackle and pop
That sizzle isn't bacon frying in the pan
The bang isn't the door slamming in your face
It is just me
Refusing to accept
Pushing forward
Writing what must be heard

C.M. Jackson 2010

The photo is courtesy of Willow and this is just one of the many tales you can enjoy at Magpie Tales.

Monday Morning Wakeup Call-A Perfect Day

Here's my wish for you --no alarm clock, a big stack of blueberry pancakes with or without bacon and lots of coffee or tea to start. Hopefully you are off today and will be outside playing with family and friends --at the beach, in the mountains, in a park throwing a frisbee or just sitting in your backyard--listen to the laughter, the waves, the wind and the leaves--plant your feet on the ground and take stock of the beauty that is summer. Enjoy!

04 July 2010

Independence Day


Your light still lingers in our distant morning,
A star that we perceive across the void.
We chart our passage by your words, still burning
Long after your bright core has been destroyed.
No longer do we speak of "natural" rights,
Nor can we think that Reason guides our will.
We've been through far too many gruesome nights
To hope we have reduced our lust to kill.
Yet hope remains the engine of our fire,
Hope that someday all of us will be
Happy in the least that we require:
Well-fed, well-housed, safe, secure, and free.
This dream we still pursue. Though darkness come,
Your wisdom, hope, and courage through us run.

Author Unknown

02 July 2010

Flash 55-Sparklers

Sparklers crackling
Children race barefoot
Into the approaching night
Until the man in the moon winks
Fireworks blast off
Showers of color light the sky
They stand silent
The thud echoing in their ears
Joy and fear in their eyes
The glory of what is possible
Innocence and belief
Our future
Reflected in their faces

If you can tell a story in 55 words--go see the man, the g-man! Happy 4th of July to all!

01 July 2010

Theme Thursday-Blue

when I am feeling blue I turn on the music, think of this shade of blue and somehow everything is all right...

It's still Thursday and today's theme is blue---check out the shades of blue here!


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