23 March 2010


Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
Ryunosuke Satoro


Brian Miller said...

smiles. wonderful....

Shrinky said...

Thankfully, so true!

ruthpclark said...

Thanks for stopping by! I love your meditation quotes in the sidebar!

Enchanted Oak said...

This quote is a great rebuttal to the notion that I'm just a drop in the ocean and therefore powerless to effect a change, or make a difference. I felt that sense of powerlessness heavily after the earthquake in Haiti. But together we are an ocean. Our unified drops matter.

* said...

I used to live in Uruguay and met many Chileans while living there. They are a warm and wonderful people.

Thank you for sharing this video. My heart aches for them, the devastation, and the suffering.

Reya Mellicker said...

The only hope we have is to work together. Thanks for this!


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